
Customs Tariff Number and Country of Manufacture

Customs Tariff Number and Country of Manufacture

Due to products being traded across all possible markets, information on the origin and product classification are of increasing importance. The following information is particularly relevant for the placement of products outside the EU.


The NCM defines to which commodities group a product belongs and is mandatory for products in Metabooks.

If a NCM is to be entered, the ProductClassificationType or b274 must be set to the value 10 for the “NCM” from code list 9. The NCM for the relevant product is to be entered into the field ProductClassificationCode or b275.

The customs tariff number for a hardcover book is to be specified as follows.

ONIX 3.0 Short
ONIX 3.0 Reference

Country of Manufactore

The country of manufacture is the country in which a product is completed.

ONIX 3.0 has a separate field for the country of manufacture called CountryOfManufacture or x316. Here, the TextTypeCode or d102 is always to be filled out with the value 99 for “country of final manufacture” from code list 33. The field Text or d104 is for entering the actual country of manufacture.

Please note: for the country of manufacture, a country code from code list 91 is to be used.

That a product has been manufactured in Spain is to be entered as follows.

ONIX 3.0 Short
ONIX 3.0 Reference