
Publisher Data

Publisher Data

Publisher Data

In Metabooks, three kinds of publishers may be listed

(Primary) Publisher

Listing a primary publisher is mandatory for any ONIX notification and is done via the publisher’s node. With this, the type of publisher (b291=01), its name and the MB identification number or association number will be sent.

Example: Primary publisher specified via MB identification number

ONIX 3.0 Short
 <b081>Test Publisher</b081> 
ONIX 3.0 Reference
 <PublisherName>Test Publisher</PublisherName>

Secondary publisher

Secondary publishers are also identified via the publisher’s node. MB identification numbers or association numbers should be included, but are not mandatory.

For each product, multiple secondary publishers may be listed.

Example: Secondary publisher including MB identification number

ONIX 3.0 Short
 <b081>Co Test Publisher</b081> 
ONIX 3.0 Reference
 <PublisherName>Co Test Publisher</PublisherName>

As with the primary publisher, you can substitute the association number for the MB identification number.

Example: Secondary publisher without MB identification number or association number

ONIX 3.0 Short
 <b081>Co Test Publisher</b081> 
ONIX 3.0 Reference
 <PublisherName>Co Test Publisher</PublisherName>

Original Publisher

When specifying the original publisher, it is sufficient to enter PublishingRole and the publisher’s name. If you wish to enter an MB identification number or association number for your original publisher, you can do so in the same way as for primary or secondary publisher.

Example: Original publisher without MB identification number or association number

ONIX 3.0 Short
ONIX 3.0 Reference